Horizon Scanning

In keeping with Z/Yen's principles of: "enhancing reward, reducing risk, and increasing certainty” we offer an innovative machine learning-driven service that delivers strategic foresight and anticipatory thinking in real-time, automated Horizon Scanning for strategic planners, investment managers, marketors, risk managers, researchers, and others.

What Can Automated Horizon Scanning Offer You?

Z/Yen's horizon scanning combines an automated tool and curated content with our analysts. We make use of a cognitive computing system that includes data mining, natural language processing, and pattern recognition to identify weak signals, emerging trends, and future uncertainties.

Anything Special?

As an example, see a United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) tracker, horizon-scanner, we built to scan Long Finance Perspectives (on the home page – www.longfinance.net), here https://zyen.shapingtomorrow.com/challenges/list/18, and below. You can see the 17 SDGs as boxes, positioned based on 'intensity' (the scale of interest in economic terms), 'tipping point' (what dates are most mentioned), and 'new content' (the amount of forward-looking news).

If you click on one of the boxes, e.g. Responsible Consumption and Production (12) - https://zyen.shapingtomorrow.com/challenges/list/18?challenge=1622 – you then get the forward-looking articles on the subject, curated from some 70,000 sources at the moment, so it’s not a ‘Google search’. You might also click on an article, e.g.

The International Energy Agency forecasts that energy demand will grow 25 per cent by 2040 with oil and gas consumption both rising until at least 2040 under any scenario.

And realise it’s actually a summary of a key point in the article using our machine learning, not a copy of the headline, which in this case is “While it targets Alberta’s oil industry, HSBC gets back in business with Saudi Arabia”.

Naturally, we track a wide number of ‘horizons’ at Z/Yen, e.g. technology - https://zyen.shapingtomorrow.com/challenges/list/20 - and financial services - https://zyen.shapingtomorrow.com/challenges/list/17.

You can register to receive weekly bulletins on a few hundred topics here - https://fsclub.zyen.com/subscribe/ .

For a list of all the bulletins we provide, click here.

Perspectives Powered By Our Automated Horizon Scanning Service

Perspectives are a prominent example of the uses of the Automated Horizon Scanning Service, allowing you to easily visualise the changes and intensity of your interested subjects.

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