Smart Ledgers Crash Course

Smart Ledgers are mutual distributed ledgers (MDLs, aka blockchains: multi-organisational databases with a super audit trail) combined with embedded programming and sensing. Smart Ledgers have the potential to transform the way people and organisations handle identities, transactions, debts, and contracts. The ability to have a globally available, verifiable, and high-integrity ledger or journal provides anyone wishing to provide trusted third party services, i.e. most major financial services firms, the ability to do so openly and robustly.

"Ledgers are the infrastructure of finance. Mutual distributed ledgers are pervasive and permanent. They will transform all financial trust architectures - exchanges, insurers, banks, and information providers." Professor Michael Mainelli, Executive Chairman of Z/Yen (2015)

Z/Yen have already built Mutual Distributed Ledgers (MDL) applications for Know Your Customer, Insurance and Corporate Credit businesses. Z/Yen now offer intensive half day crash courses for senior leaders from finance, law, regulators, civil society and other sectors.

With hands on exercises using blockchains in business scenarios, these courses offer a unique opportunity to grasp the theory and practice of Smart Ledgers/MDLs/Blockchains. You will leave the course with:

  • A basic appreciation of the technologies that underpin Smart Ledgers
  • Understanding of the different types of Smart Ledgers and how they can be used
  • Sight and use of live Smart Ledgers with business data
  • Discussion of how the technology could be used for your business or industry

In just half a day you will gain a realistic understanding of how Smart Ledgers could be used in your business and know what steps you need to take to build applications that can work in your organisation.

Attendance at the course includes an optional business analysis session over a sandwich lunch, where you can discuss possible applications for your own business with Professors Mainelli and Smith, recognised leaders in the field of Smart Ledgers.

"This course helped me understand the basics about the Blockchain. I would recommend it to colleagues or friends." Gambling Regulator (2015)

These crash courses take place regularly with small groups of attendees. Visit our Courses page to choose and book on to date that suits you and your team.

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