Forum: Distributed Futures

"The future is already here; it's just not evenly distributed."
William Gibson

Distributed Futures was created as a forum for senior people to meet and network with a group of their peers four times a year and share intelligence on mutual distributed ledgers, cyrptocurrencies, blockchains, FinTech, RegTech, and other interesting topics where disruptive technology meets finance. Membership is by invitation only and limited to a select number of senior people. Each meeting starts early afternoon and concludes with a dinner.

The group's mission is to focus on issues related to new ways of doing business, including analysing how new technology affects finance and society and identifying ways in which organisations can make better decisions that enhance rewards, reduce risks, or increase certainty. The Group addresses a critical need for pragmatic, sensible solutions, based on unbiased assessments. The Group monitors strategic developments globally and helps Members frame the business perspective and identify pragmatic corporate solutions for both business and technology transformation. The Group is cross-sector and open to Members based anywhere in the world. The Group provides Members with access to the information and resources they need to address today’s fast-changing political, economic, social, and technical challenges in a timely and cost-effective manner.

All discussion takes place under the Chatham House rule. The annual fee for membership and private meetings is £3,000 to include afternoon sessions with guest speakers, 'top of the in-trays' discussions, and dinners.

For further information, please contact:

The Forum traces distributed ledger work back to at least Amatino Manucci, the oldest known practitioner of double entry book-keeping. Manucci was a partner in Giovanni Farolfi & Company, a merchant partnership based in Florence. Ledgers that he kept for the firm's branch in Salon, Provence, survive from 1299-1300. Manucci featured in a 2008 symposium at Gresham College – Topics In The History Of Financial Mathematics: Early Commerce To Chaos In Modern Stock Markets.

"I libri contabili dovrebbero venir chiusi ogni anno, specialmente in una società di persone poiché un controllo contabile frequente mantiene l'amicizia." (The books should be closed every year, especially in a partnership, because frequent audit maintains friendship).
Luca Pacioli (1445-1517), Summa de Arithmetica et Geometrica, Proportioni et Proportionalita (1494)

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