Jacopo Moratto

Jacopo Moratto

Placement Year Developer, Z/Yen Group Limited

After getting his Diploma in Mathematics and Science at Liceo Scientifico Duca degli Abruzzi in Italy, Jacopo moved to the UK in 2021 to study Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Newcastle University. During his first two years, Jacopo participated in Engineering projects such as the designing of a working Wind Turbine and manufacturing a working autonomous buggy car.

As part of his undergraduate degree, Jacopo decided to take his placement year here at Z/Yen, and he will be working with us until June 2024. Since joining the company, Jacopo has been working the Development Team to develop a Z/Yen App. Alongside this, Jacopo helps the FS Club team in hosting Mixer Events.

In his free time, Jacopo enjoys singing, playing the guitar, piano, and songwriting.

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