Ian Harris Gives Evidence To House of Lords Select Committee On Brexit In Professional & Business Services

Thursday, 27 October 2016
By Now&ZYen

Ian was asked to give evidence to the House of Lords EU Internal Market Select Committee session on the impact Brexit might have on Professional and Business Services.

The hearing took place on 27th October and is available to watch as a video on the Parliament.tv website; the session Ian contributed to runs from the beginning, 10:12, until 11:14. That video remains live for a year, before disappearing into the ether forever.

Being Ian, he took soundings from hundreds of people on the Z/Yen network and beyond before putting in his appearance; an effort that attracted specific thanks from the Chairman, Lord Whitty, at the end of the session.

Ian is grateful to everyone who got in touch with him about this subject and would be delighted to hear from any Now and Z/Yen readers with further thoughts on the topic, as he is likely to be speaking and writing about this subject some more over the coming months. Please e-mail Ian directly on ian_harris@zyen.com

Of course, Ian isn’t the only or first Z/Yen person to give evidence to a House of Lord’s select committee; Michael Mainelli did so some three months earlier, in a hearing on the subject of blockchains. For those Now and Z/Yen readers who simply cannot get enough of our Z/Yen people on the telly, that session can be seen by clicking here and jumping to 15:50, which is when Michael’s session started.

After their evidence sessions, neither Michael nor Ian were taken by boat from the Palace of Westminster to the Tower of London, never to be seen again, which is a good sign… We think.