Ethics In Sussex

Tuesday, 29 November 2016
By Now&ZYen

Ian Harris ventured into the deep south to join an Ethics In Finance event at the University of Sussex.

The event was organised by the Philosophy Department and included contributions from three "home team" philosophers and three visiting folk from the world of commerce.

The subject matter was varied and wide-ranging, including the ethics of tax avoidance, ethics and credit rating, and the ethical principle of autonomy in the murky world of payday loans.

Ian spoke about trust, trustworthiness, agency and systems, considering the ethical pros and cons behind digital identity systems such as those discussed recently by Michael Mainelli in papers such as this one.

The attendees were mostly research students, who tended to ask pretty challenging questions. Word is that Ian did not break down under this interrogation, but as we only have Ian's word for it, we must rely on his ethical principle of truth telling.