Get Smart About Scandals: Past Lessons For Future Finance

The financial world is shaken at intervals by scandals or revelations involving activities which, although not strictly speaking legal, provoke a level of moral indignation.

So what defences can be set up to ensure that corruption and scandal are to be prevented or at least avoided? Since the banking crash of 2008 in particular, compliance has become a major issue. Transparency, in turn, has become a rather over-used word, but is still a valuable concept. Smart Ledgers should prove to be a workable system that will cast light into dark corners and will prevent the continuing existence of what are sometimes referred to as Old Spanish Practices. It will hopefully reinforce confidence in companies, the system, and financial centres, which is all to the public good.

Measures need to be considered in ensuring that different working practices will become the industrial standard. There needs to be a clear policy on ethical issues at individual and company level, backed up by a system of oversight and compliance that can function without being obtrusive. So it is worth looking at such financial scandals, the circumstances which engendered them, and the measures taken both before and after which were designed to prevent them, in order to see whether there is a discernible pattern which can be traced and therefore classified and used in the hope that such things can be headed off or even avoided in future.


  • Welcome & Introduction
  • Presentation “Get Smart About Scandals: Past Lessons For Future Finance”
  • Closing remarks

Wednesday, 08 August 2018

15:00 - 15:30 BST


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  • Professor Tim Connell
    Honorary Life Fellow, Gresham College

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