EU Energy Policy 2030: Friend Or Foe To Energy Investment?
Breakfast seminar



In May 2013, the House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on energy identified a crisis of investment in the EU's energy sector, due largely to a lack of clarity about future EU energy and climate policy.

Since publication of the Committee's report, "No Country Is An Energy Island: Securing Investment for the EU's Future", debate has intensified at EU level on future policy and, at the same time, the UK's Energy Bill has been the subject of scrutiny in both the Houses of Commons and Lords, examination of which continues. All of this precedes, it is hoped, conclusion of a binding international climate change agreement at the end of 2015.

At this time of domestic, EU and global policy uncertainty in the energy sector, the Committee is pleased to co-host a seminar with Z/Yen bringing together policy makers and investment stakeholders to work out some of the potential policy solutions that can unlock the required investment in the EU's energy sector.

The discussion at the seminar will build on the Committee's work and recent discussions between Northern European Energy Ministers. Solutions will feed into the formulation of the political decision among EU leaders next March on the 2030 energy and climate policy.



Policy Challenges

Significant Legislation To Date

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

8:15 - 10:00 GMT



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  • Baroness Scott of Needham Market
    House of Lords
  • Matt Hinde and Neil Angell
    Department of Energy and Climate Change
  • Michael Wilshire
    Bloomberg New Energy Finance
  • Professor Michael Grubb
    Cambridge University
  • Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli
    Z/Yen Group LImited


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