Worshipful Company Of World Traders Supports Academic Refugees

Wednesday, 17 October 2012
By Now&ZYen

On 17 October Professor Michael Mainelli, on behalf of the Worshipful Company of World Traders, presented a cheque for £1000 to Stephen Wordsworth, the Executive Director of CARA – the Council for Assisting Refugee Academics. This is the first donation of a three-year, £3,000 commitment by the World Traders to support CARA’s work. Founded in 1933 by leading UK academics and scientists to rescue colleagues from Nazi Germany, CARA is still at work 80 years later, helping academics from around the world who are being persecuted by repressive governments or extremist groups for trying to uphold the basic principles of intellectual freedom. Over the years CARA beneficiaries have, among other things, won sixteen Nobel prizes, created the Paralympics Games movement and helped to write the post-apartheid Constitution of South Africa. Read more on their website - http://www.academic-refugees.org.

World Traders are individuals committed to developing global trade in order to promote peace and prosperity. Their motto, 'commerce and honest friendship with all', was taken from Thomas Jefferson's inaugural Presidential speech. As one of the City of London’s modern Livery Companies (the 101st), the 270 strong World Traders draw their international membership from a wide spectrum of those interested in, and involved with, global trade issues.

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