Rolling On The River

Friday, 31 July 1998
By Now&ZYen


Many Z/Yen clients, prospects and Z/Yen partners have "left a good job in The City" early this summer to join us on the sailing barge Lady Daphne to find out more about Z/Yen in convivial circumstances. A highlight has been the Z/Yen quiz that has questions ranging from the mundane to the fiendish. Another highlight has been our uncanny knack of avoiding the rain and finding the sun (which has taken some doing in June/July this year).

This knack might help us with our assignment on weather risk; another item we are not going to write up in our silly season special. Any Now and Z/Yen reader who has not yet had the "Z/Yen Lady Daphne" experience should feel free to call Linda Cook and book themselves a passage.