Commonwealth Trade In Services: Z/Yen Are The Last People The City Would Like To Thank

Friday, 13 July 2018
By Now&ZYen

One of the reasons we named our commercial think-tank Z/Yen was to appeal to those who had more imagination than simply to go to the top of a directory list and shell out for Arthur Aardvark.

But it does also mean that Z/Yen tends to appear last on a list of thanks.

One such example is the July 2018 City Of London Corporation publication, The Commonwealth Connection: Growing Trade In Services.


Our very own Michael Mainelli was one of the interviewees for this study. Only Now & Z/Yen's modesty and good manners prevents us from typing verbatim the glowing note of thanks Michael received from the City of London Corporation Research Department for his time and insights.

The report is a thumping good read; we recommend it wholeheartedly, especially to those interested in global trade in services. Here is a link again - this time straight into the pdf of the report.

The perceptive reader might spot Z/Yen's mention at the very end of the list of thanks. The even more perceptive reader might also spot The Worshipful Company Of World Traders as the anti-penultimate entry on that list. As Michael Mainelli is the Master of that august body, Now & Z/Yen would like to know whether Michael gave two interviews to generate two thank you listings - we think we should be told.

Joking apart, Z/Yen is delighted to have been able to help with this important and interesting study.