Breaking Records…

Thursday, 30 September 2004
By Now&ZYen


It isn’t all that often that a Z/Yen person is awarded a Guinness World Record, but one of our number achieved just that a few weeks ago. And it wasn’t in the Olympics.

For many years, as an avocation, Ian Harris wrote comedy for several shows, including the long-running show Newsrevue. This summer, in a simultaneous awards presentation at Newsrevue’s home in London and at its Edinburgh festival location, the show was awarded a Guinness World Record for being the longest continuously running comedy show in the entire world, ever – 25 years and still running. How such a claim is proved is one of those mysteries. Why a show that changes its material every week is deemed to be a single, continuously running show is another mystery. But our Ian isn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth, nor is he one to miss a party with some old friends. One of the resulting photographs is this month’s caption competition – there is still time to get your entries in.

(Ian hasn’t written for the show for 5 years – I wish I still got Z/Yen awards for stuff I did that long ago! – Ed)