Why FinTech Is Not Cool

Izabella Kaminska is recognised as a leading voice in the media pooh-poohing the FinTech buzz and providing a realists view of the world. A good example is a recent column that states: “whether it’s crypto currency or peer-to-peer, the lifecycle of a fintech start-up can be roughly summarised as follows:
FinTech startup creates a tool using engineering logic borrowed from information technology methodologies, tries to go it alone” only to eventually be “absorbed into the bureaucracy of banking”. Is she right or is FinTech fundamentally changing the system. In a fireside conversation with Chris Skinner, two people who know a bit about finance and technology will discuss the real nature of FinTech change.

Prior to joining FT Alphaville in October 2008, Izabella Kaminska worked as a producer at CNBC, a natural gas reporter at Platts and an associate editor of BP's internal magazine. She has also worked as a reporter on English language business papers in Poland and Azerbaijan and was a Reuters graduate trainee in 2004. Ms Kaminska studied Ancient History at University College London and has always been interested in central banks, commodities and market structure.

Thursday, 09 June 2016

18:00 BST



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  • Izabella Kaminska1.jpg
    Izabella Kaminska
    The Financial Times and FT Alphaville blogger

Pewterers' Hall
The Worshipful Company of Pewterers, Pewterers' Hall
Oat Lane, London EC2V 7DE

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