The World At Your Feet … & Then You Lose Them

Imagine, you are 23 years old, trapped in an ice cave for fourteen days by a sub-zero blizzard on the summit of New Zealand’s highest peak. You are starving and freezing to death, only to wake up in hospital to find that you have lost both of your legs. They have been amputated just below the knees due to frostbite. What do you do next? Climb Mount Everest, of course.

That is exactly what Mark Inglis did. An inspirational person and leader, Mark is the only double amputee to have stood on the roof of the world, the summit of Mount Everest. That is not his only achievement as Mark has carved out careers as a scientist, a world recognised winemaker, business innovator, a Paralympic athlete, trekking guide, philanthropist and a leading International Motivator.

It is this combination of achievement in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds, his business acumen and his ability to interpret this to a wide range of people, that results in Mark having regular opportunity to share his experience and philosophy with world leaders and to inspire ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things.

As a kickoff to our 2013-14 season of London Financial Services Club Meetings, we are delighted to host Mark and hear his inspirational story. This meeting is held in partnership with our chosen charity, MAG, the Mines Advisory Group.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

18:00 BST



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    Mark Inglis

Pewterers' Hall
The Worshipful Company of Pewterers, Pewterers' Hall
Oat Lane, London EC2V 7DE

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