Evolution Or Revolution? Democratising Money


The aim of the seminar is to consider details, support and processes for adapting mobile phone technology to create an alternative form of money so as to:

  1. Sustain funding for SMEs in the event of another financial crisis
  2. Stimulate the economy on a sustainable basis without inflation or cost to the government or taxpayers
  3. Establish a sustainable stable unit of value not subject to debasement or volatility created by governments, central bankers, speculators, terms of trade or alien market forces
  4. Allow local services of nature to define the value of money, prices and costs to make market forces dependent on sustainable environmental values
  5. Sustain low cost finance for business by introducing a usage (demurrage) cost for money hoarders
  6. Remove the incentive for holding wealth in the form of money rather than sustainable productive activities
  7. Reduce misallocation of resources, wealth inequality and so taxes and welfare by removing the ability of money to earn interest
  8. Reduce the percentage of GDP absorbed in financial services rather than providing universal sustainable prosperity
  9. Mitigate or remove market forces that favour burning carbon rather than use sustainable energy
  10. Issue and manage money through cooperative or mutually controlled financial institutions to enrich a sustainable democracy.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

8:30 - 10:00 GMT



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  • Leander Bindewald
    New Economics Foundation
  • Dr David Bholat
    Bank of England
  • Tony Greenham
    New Economics Foundation
  • Dr Andrew Hilton
  • Dr Shann Turnbull
    Sustainable Money Working Group
  • Professor Michael Mainelli
    Z/Yen Group

41 Lothbury

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